Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Secret Agent

"Overseeing the burglary of the offices of Lewis Fielding, psychoanalyst to Daniel Ellsberg, in the hopes of discrediting the leaker of the Pentagon Papers. Fabricating cables to implicate John F. Kennedy in the murder of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem. Seeking to plant material in the apartment of George Wallace's would-be assassin, Arthur Bremer, to make him seem like a George McGovern supporter. Donning of a now-legendary "ill-fitting red wig" to go visit ITT lobbyist Dita Beard in a Denver hospital to suppress a story about an illegal deal between the telecommunications company and the Nixon White House. Hunt was in the thick of many of the Nixon White House's most devious, ruthless, and outré schemes, and he came to embody that administration's penchant for skullduggery. "

David Greenberg in The New Republic looks back at the life of Watergate conspirator E. Howard Hunt.

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