Friday, February 16, 2007

Welcome to Paradise

"You see this in things like local school bond votes, where in some communities people over 65 are either exempt from or have a lower repayment burden than other people, under the assumption that people over 65 don’t have kids. The thinking goes that seniors – who vote more – won’t vote for bonds if they have to pay for them. That to me is a sort of shift from a communitarian to a market ethic, where 30 or 50 years ago that was unheard of, as far as I know. We never heard people say, 'Why should I pay for these schools when they won’t do me any good? I don’t have any kids.' Or, 'My kids are gone.' And then, that the response of the school bond supporters would be, 'Okay, we won’t make you pay for them.'"

Los Angeles City Beat publishes an interview with writer Peter Schrag about the decline of California.

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