Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Containment or Rollback?

"Containment (which was also our policy toward President Saddam Hussein of Iraq during the Clinton years) fell into disfavor in the run-up to the Iraq war, when the Bush administration denounced it as inadequate to meet the threats of the post-9/11 world. If Al Qaeda is attacking and nuclear terrorists are roaming the globe and rogue governments are providing them with weapons, the administration argued, only radical measures — preemptive war and forcible regime change — can protect us.
"This was the modern equivalent of the 'rollback' policy (to push the Soviets out of Eastern Europe) proposed by John Foster Dulles and Dwight Eisenhower in the 1952 election campaign (but abandoned as impracticable when they came into office the following year).
"So what's the truth? Is containment in fact obsolete, as the Bush administration would have it? Numerous parallels suggest that it is not."

Ian Shapiro in the Los Angeles Times resurrects George F. Kennan and asks what the author of Cold War containment would do about Iran.

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