Sunday, March 11, 2007

Y(our) Generation

"The researchers seek to counter theories that current college students are more civic-minded and involved in volunteer activities than their predecessors. Because many high schools require community work, increases in volunteering 'may not indicate a return to civic orientation but may instead be the means toward the more self-focused goal of educational attainment,' the report says.
"An annual survey of U.S. college freshmen by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA has found growing interest in public service and social responsibility, presumably in response to Hurricane Katrina and other disasters around the world.
"But that survey also showed that current freshmen are much more interested in financial success and less in 'a meaningful philosophy of life' than students were in the 1970s."

The Los Angeles Times reports on a new study arguing that college students are more narcissistic than ever.

And Neil Howe and William Strauss and Sara Libby discuss the merits of the study's conclusion.

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