Monday, June 18, 2007

The Last Picture Show?

"The veteran independent film exhibitor Dick Morris, who has been booking specialized films throughout the southeastern U.S. for three decades and operates a successful three-screen art house in Sarasota, Florida, sounds a more pessimistic note. 'You can’t play 12 screens of art. It’s out of the question,' says Morris, who predicts that as many as half of the Landmark’s auditoriums will soon be occupied by commercial fare. Where Meyer sees the audience for art movies being spread too thin, Morris sees it dwindling and not being replenished. 'Most of the audience for these films is now at Forest Lawn or some other cemetery,' he says. 'For the under-50 crowd, it’s just not the thing to do.'"

Scott Foundas in the LA Weekly covers the opening of the new Landmark twelve-screen cinema in west Los Angeles.

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