Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tenure Denied

"Controversy--especially self-sought controversy--doesn't immunize a faculty member from adhering to professional standards. If you are a responsible faculty member, you don't falsify research, you don't plagiarize the work of others, you don't fabricate historical events and you don't thumb your nose at the standards of the profession. More than 20 of Mr. Churchill's faculty peers from Colorado and other universities found that he committed those acts. That's what got him fired."

In The Wall Street Journal, Hank Brown, president of the University of Colorado, defends the dismissal of Ethnic Studies Professor Ward Churchill.

"What should concern us all, however, is academia's nurturance of loons like the hate-filled Churchill. No, they are not many, but they shout louder than their numbers would suggest. And though their influence is minor in American higher education overall, they can be very influential in particular fields, such as comparative literature and gender and ethnic studies. That's because the problem on campuses isn't rigorous Marxist materialists, as conservative stereotypes would have you believe, but craven emotional warriors in the arena of identity politics."

And in the Los Angeles Times, Gregory Rodriguez sees Churchill as a symptom.

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