Sunday, November 11, 2007

Empty Seats

"Everyone wants to make a good movie, but when the marketplace is jammed with new movies every weekend -- 14 of them opened in L.A. last Friday -- the bar for what moviegoers consider good is suddenly a lot higher, and it's that much harder to cut through the clutter. That high bar won't hurt a crowd-pleaser full of star power, like "American Gangster," which opened strongly this weekend. But the highbrow specialty movies, especially the ones without big stars or strong entertainment value, are getting plastered."

Patrick Goldstein in the Los Angeles Times wonders what is causing a decline at the art-house box office.

And to illustrate the point, LA Observed reports the closing of Santa Monica's NuWilshire theater.

Andy Klein in Los Angeles CityBeat reports on an effort to save the Silent Movie Theatre by The Cinefamily.

"After years of intensive study, LA Weekly's Scott Foundas may have discovered the height of art-house snobbery: laughing at an unsubtitled bit of dialogue in a foreign film."

And Bryan Curtis in a 2006 Slate article depicts the bugbears of watching a movie at an art house.

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