Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Eight Is Enough

Liam at sententiae et clamores has tagged The Late Adopter with the "eight meme," so here goes: 
8 Passions in my life: Mrs. Late Adopter and Late Adopter, Jr.; friends; history; music; movies; books; art; ideas. 
8 Things to do before I die: Raise Late Adopter, Jr.; finish my degree; publish a book; get stable employment; pay off debts; learn to play guitar; travel the world; and take Mrs. Late Adopter back to Paris. 
8 Things I often say: "What's the matter, Baby C?" "That's a big yawn for a little girl"; "Should I check her diaper?"; "What do you want to eat?"; ''Do you want to get coffee?"; "Wake me up in half an hour"; "OK, let's pick up where we left off last time"; and "Any questions?" 
8 Books I read (or reread) recently: Alternadad by Neal Pollack; Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970-1979 by Tim Lawrence; Hotel California: The True-life Adventures of Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Mitchell, Taylor, Browne, Ronstadt, Geffen, the Eagles, and Their Many Friends by Barney Hoskins; The Who's The Who Sell Out by John Dougan; The Velvet Underground's The Velvet Underground and Nico, by Joe Harvard; Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures by Chris Ott; The Ramones' Ramones by Nicholas Rombes; and 300 student bluebooks. 
8 Films that mean something to me: The Limey; The Filth and the Fury; The Royal Tenenbaums; Gangs of New York; Bad Santa; Mayor of the Sunset Strip; The Squid and the Whale; and Art School Confidential
8 Songs that mean something to me: "Hideaway" by The Olivia Tremor Control; "Swastika Eyes" by Primal Scream; "Digital Love" by Daft Punk; "(Drawing) Rings Around the World" by Super Furry Animals; "In da Club" by 50 Cent; "Yeah!" by Usher; "Come On/Let's Go" by Paul Weller; and "Country Girl" by Primal Scream. 
8 Living people I'd like to have as dinner guests: Tina Fey; Debbie Harry; Christopher Hitchens; Nick Hornby; Ralph Nader; Simon Reynolds; Chris Rock; and Martin Scorsese. 
8 People I'm passing this on to: The Late Adopter tags Rain seven times plus one.

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