Friday, December 14, 2007

You're Gonna Miss Me

"'Easter Everywhere' was the last gasp. Though the band performed sporadically throughout 1968, Erickson was frequently absent, increasingly unhinged at the prospect of going onstage. A year later, it had fully blown apart. Sutherland was hooked on smack, Hall was dealing drugs and Erickson, whose grip on reality had slipped, was persuaded by a public defender to plead insanity to avoid hard time for possession of a small amount of pot. He was charged with offending 'the peace and dignity of the state,' diagnosed as schizophrenic by the court and spent nearly four years in a maximum-security asylum. As Drummond puts it: '[T]he vision of utopia that many tried to achieve by "turning on" led to a massive toxic overload by the end of the decade.' By the end of the 1970s, Sutherland was dead and Erickson had legally declared himself a Martian."

Erik Himmelsbach reviews Paul Drummond's Eye Mind: The Saga of Roky Erickson and the 13th Floor Elevators, the Pioneers of Psychedelic Sound in the Los Angeles Times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such great music; such a sad story.

Hey Late Adopter--have you seen this website?
The author of the book discussed here has archives on the above site.
