Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Obama-Rama IV (Because I Know You Want More)

As Super Tuesday sweeps the nation, here is yet another round-up of Barack Obama-related articles:

In Newsweek, Fareed Zakaria argues that Hillary Clinton is too fearful to lead boldly.

In Slate, Akhil Reed Amar considers how the founders would view the presidential candidates.

Ellen Wulfhorst of Reuters investigates the candidates' clothing choices.

In The New Yorker, Hendrik Hertzberg defends Obama.

Christopher Hayes in The Nation makes his choice.

Eric Zorn in the Chicago Tribune updates criticism of Abraham Lincoln for the internet age.

David Brooks in The New York Times places Obama in the early 1960s and criticizes Hillary Clinton's insistence on health-care mandates.

Bruce J. Schulman in The Washington Independent compares Obama to past insurgents.

Tom Hayden in The Nation endorses Obama.

Caroline Kennedy endorses Obama in The New York Times.

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