Thursday, February 28, 2008

There Are Bad Cops and There Are Good Cops

"To say I wanted to despise this car is putting it mildly. For starters, it's just another, not very imaginative riff on the Ford Mustang GT, aimed at goobers who've got it so bad for Steve they can't help themselves. It seems exploitative, in other words. Also, Ford has a bad habit of promising that a Mustang special edition--GT500, Cobra, Shelby, whatever--will be a limited run and then making more if the orders come in. Ford actually already made a Bullitt Mustang in 2001. The press release for the 2008 Bullitt has weaselly language in it: 'A limited production run of 7,700 units is planned.' Uh-oh.
"So I was pleasantly surprised when I drove the car and found that I really, really liked it. Stunned, actually."

In the Los Angeles Times, Dan Neil reviews Ford's 2008 Mustang Bullitt.

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