Sunday, March 30, 2008

All the Rage

"A remarkable thing happened last year, according to Solters, the Ticketmaster spokesman. The company was preparing to announce a major acquisition and in the midst of a media-strategy meeting, he recalls, 'we're talking about the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal and somebody says, "How are we going to deal with Lefsetz?" I couldn't believe that question came up. But so many people in the industry read him. His influence is incredible.'
"As the traditional music industry continues its downward spiral, Lefsetz's voice appears to be growing louder and more resonant. While the analyst/provocateur says some people misunderstand his mission--'I'm not angry; I'm just passionate about music and trying to speak the truth about it'--just about everybody in the industry seems to read his newsletter, at least occasionally.
"Solters explains the appeal thusly: 'He's not boring. He really gets people's blood boiling, which is what an editorial writer wants to do. He speaks from the heart. He takes an opinion and just goes for it.'"

In The Washington Post, J. Freedom du Lac profiles Bob Lefsetz, proto-blogger, music-industry "gadfly," and author of The Lefsetz Letter.

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