Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Bricks and Bombs

"It is one thing to teach a golf swing or pick-up basketball for a street-ball film among actors who already play the game, but to be convincing at the NBA-caliber level is daunting.
"The NBA 'is a ballet with the world's greatest athletes magically playing a game in the air, above the rim,' Shelton says. 'Let's say I am able to stage a really believable game filled with former Division I and pro players, who the heck is my actor who can keep up with them?'"

Randy Williams in the Los Angeles Times wonders why there are so few pro-basketball movies.

1 comment:

KcM said...

Spike Lee's Best Seats in the House (written before He Got Game, I think) has a pretty funny rant about this (and why Hoosiers has some serious race issues.)