Wednesday, February 16, 2011

"Can't Change Their Mind and Won't Change the Subject"

"So far this year, GOP lawmakers in 10 states have introduced bills that would require presidential candidates to prove, in some fashion, that they were born in the United States. The statute proposed in Connecticut would require the secretary of state to view an 'original birth certificate' before certifying a candidate for the ballot.
"'We don't think the president was vetted, and it's just that simple,' state Rep. Leo Berman, a sponsor of Texas' birther bill, told the Politico website. He also said he doesn't know whether Obama is 'a citizen or not.'
"Birther blather and the paranoid mutterings about Sharia are the cruder expressions of a more generalized assault on this presidency's legitimacy that now suffuses a substantial part of the Republican political discussion.

Tim Rutten in the Los Angeles Times explains why Republican leaders like John Boehner will not criticize birthers.

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