Friday, June 20, 2014

"Her Greatest Successes and Worst Failures Have the Same Explanation"

"NONE OF THIS is to suggest that Hillary would be an ineffective president—only that her successes and failures would look different from Bill Clinton's and Barack Obama's. Bill's failures often owed to indiscipline. Obama's have stemmed in part from aloofness. If past is prologue, Hillary's would stem in significant measure from unwillingness to change course. Hillary does learn from her mistakes. But only after the damage is done.
"Her successes as president, on the other hand, would likely result from the kind of hands-on, methodical, unyielding drive that both Bill Clinton and Obama struggled to sustain. In her wonkishness and her moderate liberalism, Hillary has much in common with Obama and her husband. But her 'tunnel vision'—in the words of a close friend quoted in Sally Bedell Smith's For Love of Politics—might produce a presidency more stylistically akin to that of George W. Bush. For years now, Democrats have yearned for a leader who champions their causes with the same single-minded, supremely confident, unwavering intensity that they believe Republican leaders bring to theirs. For better and worse, they may soon get their wish."

Peter Beinart in National Journal presents a "Unified Theory of Hillary."

1 comment:

KcM said...

I've been re-reading my old Election 2008 posts all week while fixing the archives. I'd forgotten how repellent her behavior was that cycle. Stuff like Bill Clinton suppressing votes in Nevada, etc.