Friday, September 09, 2016

"For a While, at Least, the Books Sold Well"

"In the beginning, there was ignorance, and the void of our Obama knowledge was filled with speculation, bits of autobiography and family lore. The senator from Illinois was deemed dangerous for all that he might be: distant, unfamiliar, foreign in so many ways. Once he sat in the Oval Office, however, the attacks shifted, and the president became that most recognizable of political creatures: unprincipled, corrupt, Chicago. As conservative disdain intensified throughout his first term, Obama came to be seen as a bungler, in over his head (think the Libya intervention or Operation Fast and Furious). Yet soon he was redefined once more, this time as a brilliant subversive: It's not that Obama doesn't know what he’s doing but that he knows all too well. That leads, inevitably, to the final and most damning judgment—that this president is a criminal."

Carlos Lozada in The Washington Post reviews the anti-Obama "literature."

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