Monday, June 26, 2017

"What Is Their Role in the Age of Trump?"

"While his rise clearly coincides with a global turn toward authoritarianism and away from democracy, he is very much a product of recent American history.
"He may not be usefully analogous to politicians of the past, but like them he benefited from historical processes that we can understand and respond to: our worship of celebrity; the persistence of gender, racial and economic inequality; the devastation of foreign wars; voter suppression; and a political system that does not reflect the diversity or policy preferences of the American people."

Moshik Temkin at The New York Times argues that "Historians Shouldn't Be Pundits."

Julian E. Zelizer and Morton Keller at The Atlantic dispute Temkin's argument.

As does Zachary Jonathan Jacobson at The Chronicle of Higher Education.

1 comment:

late adopter said...

Julian E. Zelizer and Morton Keller at The Atlantic dispute Temkin's argument.