Sunday, April 28, 2019

"We Tend Not to Make a Fetish of Art–the Way He Did as a Young Man"

"To be clear, however, Ellis also regards Trump as an 'idiot' and 'grotesque'. He did not vote for him, and thus is bewildered–or, at any rate, irritated–to be repeatedly described as an apologist for him. 'Molly Jong-Fast, the daughter of Erica Jong, wrote this piece in the Daily Beast where she asked: How did he [Ellis] turn into this Maga cap-wearing ultra-conservative? These people have been raised to think their reactions to things are completely correct and that the other side is not only totally wrong but also therefore immoral, sexist, racist. All my book argues is: let's have a conversation. But of course it has already been totalled in America. My ability to trigger millennials is insane.'"

At The Guardian, Rachel Cooke talks with Bret Easton Ellis.

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