Sunday, May 26, 2019

"The Nation's Only Existing Memorial to Its Middle Eastern Wars"

"Those whose names are engraved on the wall in Marseilles died in service to their country. Of that there is no doubt. Whether they died to advance the cause of freedom or even the wellbeing of the United States is another matter entirely. Terms that might more accurately convey why these wars began and why they have persisted for so long include oil, dominion, hubris, a continuing and stubborn refusal among policymakers to own up to their own stupendous folly, and the collective negligence of citizens who have become oblivious to where American troops happen to be fighting at any given moment and why. Some might add to the above list an inability to distinguish between our own interests and those of putative allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel."

For Memorial Day weekend, Andrew Bacevich at MintPress News writes about visiting the Middle East Conflicts Memorial.

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