Thursday, November 14, 2024

"The Defendant Is Too Popular?"

"I've been known to dabble in satire, but I'm deadly serious here, just as I was last June when I recommended that Trump serve six months at Rikers (which is where New York State sends felons tried in New York City and sentenced to less than one year). Now, of course, the United States government can no longer spare Trump for six months. But it can still spare him for one week. Rikers was good enough for Trump's former chief financial adviser Alan Weisselberg, age 77, who last spring booked himself three months there after perjuring himself on Trump's behalf (in an unrelated civil fraud case, now under appeal, in which Trump was fined $355 million). Rikers should be good enough for Trump, too."

Timothy Noah at The New Republic writes: "Jail Trump for One Week."

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