Monday, March 10, 2025

"The Conduit for Everything"

"Hamilton also dished out news, gossip and tips from across Britain, encouraging DJs to send in lists of their biggest records that he compiled into the first ever UK dance chart: in an era when, as Cook puts it, DJs 'very rarely played outside their own local catchment area', it was as if he was trying to singlehandedly forge a country-wide dance scene. 'I mean, it's impossible for kids with the internet to believe, but there were all these little scenes going on in different places, and unless you went to visit a mate for a weekend, you'd never know what was going on in the next town, there was no cross-pollination between different cities–if you lived in Brighton, you would have no idea what the Wild Bunch were playing in Bristol,' says Cook."

Alexis Petridis at The Guardian discusses the life of British music journalist and DJ James Hamilton "the 'eccentric aristo' who catalysed British club culture."

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