Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Frank M. Snowden, Jr., 1911-2007

"William Harris, a Columbia University professor who specializes in Greek and Roman history, said Snowden was the first person to write in a serious way about blacks in antiquity, and his books influenced other scholars, including George M. Fredrickson ('Racism: A Short History') and Martin Bernal ('Black Athena').
"However, Harris said: 'Snowden really wanted to find a world in antiquity which was without the plague that inflicted America throughout its history, and he pushed the evidence too far to find an ideal pre-modern, pre-medieval world. There was undoubtedly some racism in antiquity, but he talked it down to being minimal…. He was right, to a point.'"

The Los Angeles Times runs an obit for classicist Frank M. Snowden, Jr.

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