Friday, March 09, 2007

What Would We Do, Baby, Without Us?

"In the episode that first nudged Fox toward stardom, Alex, a high-school senior, meets a college girl named Stephanie (played by Amy Steel) who is writing her thesis on Milton Friedman—Alex's favorite economist. She's surprised to learn that Alex has a favorite economist, but when he tells her that 'high interest rates are primarily a psychological phenomenon' and that 'the banks just don't have enough confidence in the economy to take the risk of lowering them,' he wins her over with his earnest enthusiasm. Fox punctuates the exchange with his familiar, self-deprecating smirks, deflating any hint of pretension without seeming insincere. During the second commercial break, Alex loses his virginity. By the end of the episode, he's discovered that rushing into things was a mistake: Stephanie breaks his heart, and he learns a valuable life lesson."

With Family Ties on DVD, David Haglund in Slate looks back at the iconic character of Alex P. Keaton.

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