Saturday, February 16, 2008

Don't Cry for Her, America

"I’ve heard several remarkably similar rationales from Californians who agonized over their vote in last week’s Democratic primary, but ended up plumping for Hillary Clinton. Their arguments go something like this.
"Obama and Clinton both have their pluses and minuses, they said. Ultimately we have no clear idea what either of them would be like in office. Both have suffered attacks from supporters of the other. But the attacks on Clinton seem to have an extra edge to them–a snarky, mean-spirited, cut-her-down-to-size edge that could only betoken prejudice against a strong woman running for the White House. As a form of protest against that prejudice–a social prejudice, to be sure, rather than one emanating specifically from the Obama campaign–she gets it by a nose."

In Los Angeles City Beat, Andrew Gumbel explains why voters should not feel sorry for Hillary Clinton.

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