Saturday, February 16, 2008

Won't Somebody Please Think of the Children

"There are rare moments in the political life of an issue when somebody suddenly redefines the center by articulating a position that sounds so much like a commonsense consensus that it becomes very hard for anyone to argue the point, either to the right or to the left. We'll see what happens between now and November, but I suspect that on this issue, Obama, whether he's nominated or not, may have effectively killed the subject of the 'culture wars' by splitting the difference between First Amendment absolutists who don't want to discuss how vile or degrading a movie or TV show is as long as it's legal, and far-right-wing rejectionists who believe pop culture is the devil's playground and who are probably still puzzling over what the senator meant by 'Nickelodeon' or, for that matter, 'remote.'''

Mark Harris in Entertainment Weekly ponders Barack Obama's challenge to Hollywood.

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