Monday, March 10, 2008

Swedish Libertarianism?

"Imagine what would happen if Macy's were subjected to a 'ruthless' business model, i.e. one that put customers ahead of job creation. Macy's is run like a Soviet train station, where one guy sells your ticket, another guy inspects it, a third guy tears it, and nobody can tell you what train goes where. The last time I was in Macy's to test-drive a sofa, four different sales gnats came buzzing around me in search of a commission. There were three customers.
"Fire the hard-sellers, lower the price of the sofa by $200 and you've got IKEA, where most items can simply be picked up and rolled out the door. At the entrance there is a sign: 'No one will bother you.' Five words, one libertarian ideal.

As IKEA sets to open in Brooklyn, Kyle Smith argues in the New York Post that the Swedish furniture chain is anything but socialist.

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