Thursday, June 15, 2017

"Instructors Could Literally Lose Their Jobs Over Even the Appearance of Impropriety"

"The corporatized university also ends up producing the corporatized student. Students worry about doing anything that may threaten their job prospects. Consequently, acts of dissent have become steadily de-radicalized. On campuses these days, outrage and anger is reserved for questions like, 'Is this sushi an act of cultural appropriation?' When student activists do propose ways to 'radically' reform the university, it tends to involve adding new administrative offices and bureaucratic procedures, i.e. strengthening the existing structure of the university rather than democratizing it. Instead of demanding an increase in the power of students, campus workers, and the untenured, activists tend to push for symbolic measures that universities happily embrace, since they do not compromise the existing arrangement of administrative and faculty power."

Yasmin Nair at Current Affairs argues that "the 'dangerous academic' is like the Dodo in 1659, a decade before its final sighting and extinction: almost nonexistent."

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