Thursday, June 22, 2017

"It's About the Value Divides in British Society and to Some Extent in All Rich Democracies"

"There is a group I call the 'Anywheres' who are about 25 percent of the society. They tend to be highly educated and mobile, and the combination of the two is especially important here in Britain because we have an overwhelmingly residential university system.  We also have a very very dominant capitol city that sucks in so much of the professional class. Anywhere people tend to value the kinds of things that you'd expect from people who live those kind of lives. They value openness and autonomy and fluidity. They generally find social change easy to handle, and they have weak attachments to place and to group.
"On the other side of the ledger you have a much larger group, less politically influential, but much larger, about 50 percent of the people, who I call 'Somewheres.'  They tend to be much less well educated and to be much rooted and attached to places and to value familiarity and security and the things you would expect to flow form those kind of lifestyles. Anywheres can find social change easy and have weak group attachments whereas Somewheres find social change more difficult and tend to have much stronger group attachments, whether to nation or city or place."

John Judis at Talking Points Memo interviews David Goodhart, author of The Road to Somewhere.

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