Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Great Commoner's Revival

"Imagine the ideal democratic nominee for president. He’s twice won election in Nebraska, one of the reddest of states, and is just as popular across the South and Midwest. He’s a charismatic, energetic orator. He’s also a stalwart progressive who has taken tough stands against corporate crime, to aid labor organizers, and to raise taxes on the wealthy. His marriage is loving and cooperative, and his three children long to emulate their father. Although a war veteran, he’s an eloquent advocate of peaceful solutions to international conflicts. Most significantly, he’s a devout churchgoer and lay minister who preaches that every true Christian has a duty to transform a nation and world plagued by the arrogance of wealth and the pain of inequality."

Biographer Michael Kazin pitches William Jennings Bryan as a model for today's Democratic Party in The American Prospect. But historian Kevin Mattson is skeptical.

And Ed Kilgore in The Washington Monthly reviews Kazin's book.

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