Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Life and Debt

"Democrats often dream of wooing the 'Reagan Democrats' back into the fold. Bill Clinton, who could speak 'evangelical' and who embraced pro-family tax and welfare reforms, succeeded to some degree. Democratic strategist Stanley Greenberg, who actually coined the phrase 'Reagan Democrats,' argues that 'a new, family-centered politics can define and revitalize the Democratic party.' Its message should highlight 'family integrity and parental responsibility' and offer a 'progressive vision of family support.' Greenberg even theorizes that 'Roman Catholics would [again] rally to a Democratic party respectful of family and committed to defending government's unique role in supporting it.'"

In The Weekly Standard, Allan Carlson depicts how Republicans favor business over family values.

"The most important consequence of the financial hole the Margo Alperts are in, thanks to their education, is that many of them are going to be childless. Many others will have one child at most. How can a young couple, each with $40,000 or $50,000 of debt, think of having three or four kids? They will have to wait until they are in their late 30s to have a family and by then, when they think of college costs, they will feel compelled to limit themselves to one child."

And Nicholas Von Hoffman in The Nation explains how Republican loan policies undermine students.

1 comment:

No Filter: The Book said...

whats even worse about this is if you conslidated already you can't change to a better loan package before the law changes ... most professional/graduate students have daunting debt and this will cripple them .. and bankruptcy won't help either .. horrible policy.