Monday, October 30, 2006

Spotlight on Lou Dobbs, Y'all

"Who is the most left-wing commentator on mainstream television? Keith Olbermann? Bill Maher? Not even close. I'm talking about a man who says both parties are 'bought and paid for by corporate America,' and calls lobbyists 'arms dealers in the war on the middle class.' This latter-day William Jennings Bryan denounces the 'corporate supremacists' in Congress who write 'consumer-crippling' bankruptcy laws, pass job-exporting free-trade deals, and raise the interest on college loans. He peppers his economic analyses with quotes from the labor-supported Economic Policy Institute. And he recently called the GOP's effort to link a minimum-wage hike to a repeal of the estate tax 'obscene.' I refer, of course, to Lou Dobbs."

Peter Beinart takes a look at economic nationalism in The New Republic.

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