Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Can't Do a Little Cause He Can't Do Enough

"A few minutes later, Sid decided to clear his conscience by revealing a 50-year-old family secret--'We've been living with this lie for decades,' he said--and his younger brother was apoplectic. 'Now?! This moment, right now, you decide you need to tell all of this?'
"Sid, the man who dreamed up deliriously strange Saturday-morning characters such as Weenie the Genie, Horatio J. HooDoo and Cha-Ka the ape-boy, looked bewildered by his brother's fury. 'Well, Marty, I don't see the harm. It's history now.'"

Geoff Boucher in the Los Angeles Times interviews television producers Sid and Marty Krofft.

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