Friday, November 14, 2008

Say Hello to My Little Friend

"Piece of art, did he say? The same movie where Al Pacino buries his face in pile-high drifts of coke and emerges looking like a white-nosed coati? The movie with that trashy robo-disco Giorgio Moroder score that already sounds as dated as the theme from 'Love Story' and the tapestry of profanity so dense you can actually watch a two-minute version of 'Scarface' consisting entirely of the word "fuck" and find it every bit as intelligible as the full-length film?
"Oh, sure, have your laugh, says Tucker. '"Scarface" absorbs ridicule and overexposure and just keeps on going.'"

Louis Bayard in Salon reviews Ken Tucker's Scarface Nation: The Ultimate Gangster Movie and How It Changed America.

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