Saturday, January 17, 2009

Change Is Now

"The progressives who have hitched their wagons to Barack Obama’s star want many things from him. But among the most important of their hopes is for a shift in how wealth and income are distributed. There are many vehicles available for pursuing this goal—tax policy, minimum wage, public support for education and health care, and a wide range of other programs eagerly supported by newly mobilized liberals. But undoing the forces that have created a generation of mounting inequality will not easily give way to incremental solutions. One of the great triumphs of Obama’s campaign and election is that he has made it possible to believe that such accomplishments are within the nation’s reach. One of the great dangers of his victory is that it may have created expectations far beyond what any one man, or even any one nation, can realistically hope to achieve."

In The New York Times, Alan Brinkley reviews new books about Barack Obama.

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