Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This Land Was Made for You and Me

"Since liberals turned against the war in Vietnam 40 years ago, they have struggled to prove that they love their country even while opposing most of the policies of its government. Some abandoned the effort altogether, preferring to don a fresh identity as global citizens. The philosopher Martha Nussbaum argued in 1994 that patriotism is 'morally dangerous' because it encourages Americans to focus narrowly on their own concerns and to minimize or disregard those of people in other lands. Meanwhile, conservatives led by Ronald Reagan defined patriotism as the need to stand tall against one's enemies and equated liberty with low taxes and a lightly regulated market. From the invasion of Cambodia to the invasion of Iraq, war protesters pleaded, 'Peace Is Patriotic,' but few on either side paid them much attention."

Michael Kazin in The Washington Post congratulates Barack Obama for reviving liberal patriotism.

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