Friday, March 13, 2009

"There's No One as Irish as Barack Obama"

"Many of the visitors knock on the door of Henry Healy Jr., 24, the genial spokesman of Obama's current-day Irish kin. According to local records, Healy's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-aunt was Obama's great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother.
"'So there's a definitive blood link between our family and Barack Obama. It makes me an eighth cousin,' declared Healy, a full-blooded Irishman with brown hair and blue eyes.
"'The resemblance is uncanny,' his friend Stephen Neill added.
"'Uncanny,' agreed Healy."

In the Los Angeles Times, Henry Chu writes about Moneygall, Ireland, the current U.S. president's "ancestral home."


Liam said...

A friend gave me a t-shirt with the Irish flag that said, "O'Bama -- Vote Irish." I wore it on election day.

Anonymous said...

You should wear it again on Tuesday.