Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Vandals Took the Handles

"The heart of 'Underground' comes about halfway through, in 1969, when SDS was challenged by the hard-core Maoists of the Progressive Labor Party. The Progressive Labor faction had a strategy for revolution: a 'worker-student alliance' to overthrow capitalism. The national leadership of SDS--Rudd and his friends--concluded that they needed one too. What they came up with was to call on young people to become urban guerrillas to fight 'Amerikka.' The overwhelming majority of SDS rejected both perspectives, but the faction fight destroyed the organization.
"'The destruction of SDS was probably the single greatest mistake I've made in my life,' Rudd declares forthrightly. 'It was a historical crime.'"

In the Los Angeles Times, Jon Wiener reviews Mark Rudd's Underground: My Life with SDS and the Weathermen.

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