Friday, April 03, 2009

All Too Human

"'Occasionally I see a bumper sticker that reads, "God said, it, I believe it, and that settles it." My response is always, What if God didn't say it?' A lucid, accessible and entertaining guided tour of biblical scholarship, 'Misquoting Jesus' makes it indubitably clear--unless one simply decides in advance that all logic, scholarship, rules of historical evidence and rational thought do not apply to the Bible--that God did not 'say it.' A bunch of human beings said a lot of different things over hundreds of years, a bunch of other human beings wrote down different versions of what they said, and yet another bunch of human beings decided--also over hundreds of years--which of these writings should be part of the Holy Book and which should not. This is simply the historical truth."

Gary Kamiya in Salon interviews Religious Studies Professor Bart Ehrman.

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