Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"He's 20 and He Hates"

"It was this cosmic love-in that nearly got Antonioni charged under the Mann Act, which prohibits the transport of people across state lines for prostitution and 'immoral purposes.' In fact, the entire production, as the critic J. Hoberman recounted in The Dream Life, his epic cultural history of the '60s, was the target of much federal snooping, with rumors swirling that Antonioni was planning a flag-burning scene and intended to shoot on the site of Robert Kennedy's assassination. (Neither proved true, though a rippling American flag atop the Mobil Oil building in downtown Los Angeles does feature prominently in one startling shot.)"

Dennis Lim in Slate revisits Michelangelo Antonioni's 1970 movie, Zabriskie Point.

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