Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Throwing Stones

"In The Philip Johnson Tapes, Johnson recounts that in the mid-1950s, he invited Mies, with whom he was collaborating on the Seagram Building, for an overnight visit. At 10:30 in the evening, Mies emerged from the nearby guesthouse and told his host that he wanted to leave. Johnson thought he was joking. 'I don't think you understood,' responded Mies. 'I'm not staying in this house another minute, and you've got to find me a place to stay.' What had upset the German architect? 'I just think he felt that my bad copy of his work was extremely unpleasant,' Johnson later speculated."

In honor of the building's sixtieth anniversary Witold Rybczynski in Slate visits Philip Johnson's Glass House.

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