Saturday, October 31, 2009

October 2009 Acquisitions

Valerie Barrett, Cakes Galore, 2008.
Jack Boulware and Silke Tudor, Gimme Something Better: The Profound, Progressive, and Occasionlly Pointless History of Bay Area Punk from Dead Kennedys to Green Day, 2009.
Edward Craig, Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction, 2002.
John Harris and Calef Brown, Pop-Up Aesop, 2005.
Bruce Hershenson, Drive-In Movie Posters, 2002.
Victor Hoagland, A Catholic Child's Book of Prayers, 2008.
Sam Hall Kaplan, LA Lost & Found: An Architectural History of Los Angeles, 1987.
Jennifer D. Keene, Saul Cornell, and Edward T. O'Donnell, Visions of America: A History of the United States, 2010.
Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, Batman: Dark Victory, 2001.
Frank Miller, Sin City, Volume 2: A Dame to Kill For, 2005.
Frank Miller, Sin City, Volume 3: The Big Fat Kill, 2005.
Colleen and Michael Glenn Monroe, A Is for Ark: Noah's Journey, 2004.
Leo Politi, Juanita, 2009.
David Ulin (ed.), Writing Los Angeles: A Literary Anthology, 2002.

Downfall, 2005.

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