Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Panic in Needle Park

"Trypanophobia is also common across demographics. A recent study by the Harvard School of Public Health found that only 40 percent of adults were sure they'd get vaccinated. Among the reasons parents gave for not getting their child vaccinated, No. 3 was that they 'don't trust public health officials to provide correct info about vaccine safety.' Young people are no better, even though they're especially at-risk for contracting swine flu. Vincent Racaniello, a professor of microbiology at Columbia University, recently polled a class of 50 students on who was going to get vaccinated against swine flu. Not a single hand went up. 'I was teaching them about influenza in that lecture, so maybe I didn't do a good job,' Racaniello recalls."

Christopher Beam in Slate discusses opponents of swine-flu vaccines.

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