Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fixing Windows

"Most of all, he continues to have the same burning need for significance, and his stock has never been higher. His old boss, Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, hails him as 'America’s top cop'; a California police official says Bratton is 'as close as there is to a deity in our business.' Even a onetime critic like Steven Levitt, who in Freakonomics disparaged Bratton’s role in New York’s crime drop--instead attributing it to the legalization of abortion--is now a believer. 'Someone who’s able to go to two different places and reduce crime dramatically in both of them? You have to give the guy some credit,' Levitt says. 'If you asked me who I’d want as police commissioner in my city, I’d say Bratton.'"

Jason Zengerle in New York wonders what is next for former New York and Los Angeles police chief William Bratton.

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