Saturday, April 24, 2010

This Inhuman Piece of Barbarity

"The chaos of the event produced incomplete, even sometimes conflicting, accounts, but it appears that probably no fewer than three soldiers shot at specific individuals: Kilroy, the soldier who killed Attucks, and the soldier who aimed at but missed the fleeing boy. It is reasonable to suppose that two more—the other two soldiers who shot sailors—also shot people intentionally.
"Except for Kilroy, the evidence was not sufficient to convict any of the soldiers of murdering a particular person. John Adams, one of the soldiers’ lawyers, rightly argued that it was better 'that many guilty persons should escape unpunished than one innocent person should suffer.' But there is a lingering sense that justice wasn’t served. Perhaps it couldn’t have been."

Richard Archer in The Boston Globe calls into question conventional accounts of the Boston Massacre.

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