Saturday, November 26, 2011

"Some of My Fictions Percolate Out into the Material World"

"He sees parallels between the dystopia predicted in the story and the world today. The book foretold the prevalence of CCTV cameras on city streets, for instance; and Moore takes a particular satisfaction in a strand of the plot that seemed to anticipate the sort of internet-based dissent that has made groups such as Anonymous and Assange's WikiLeaks such major agents of protest. 'The reason V's fictional crusade against the state is ultimately successful is that the state, in V for Vendetta, relies upon a centralised computer network which he has been able to hack. Not an obvious idea in 1981, but it struck me as the sort of thing that might be down the line.' Moore is not computer-literate. 'This was just something I made up because I thought it would make an interesting adventure story. Thirty years go by and you find yourself living it.'"

Tom Lamont in The Guardian talks with Alan Moore about the popularity of Guy Fawkes masks with current-day protesters.

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