Thursday, December 15, 2011

"30 Years of Riots, Organized Mayhem and Beautiful Music"

"Although Tovar's first punk show was catching the Sex Pistols at San Francisco's Winterland Ballroom in January 1978, he was introduced to punk's plight through his younger sister Bianca, who had alerted him the police were tightening their grip around shows in Southern California. The heavy-handed crackdown convinced a 20-year-old Tovar that he wanted punk rock to flourish."'I saw the culture. I wanted to push it as far as I could,' he says. 'I wanted to expose it to as many people as I could. I thought there were a lot of good thoughts that were getting a lot of resistance. And I think we won.'"

Vickie Chang in the OC Weekly traces the history of Goldenvoice Productions.

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