Friday, March 30, 2012

"The Justices Most Hostile to the Law Don’t Understand, or Choose Not to Understand, How Insurance Works"

"Let’s start with the already famous exchange in which Justice Antonin Scalia compared the purchase of health insurance to the purchase of broccoli, with the implication that if the government can compel you to do the former, it can also compel you to do the latter. That comparison horrified health care experts all across America because health insurance is nothing like broccoli.
"Why? When people choose not to buy broccoli, they don’t make broccoli unavailable to those who want it. But when people don’t buy health insurance until they get sick—which is what happens in the absence of a mandate—the resulting worsening of the risk pool makes insurance more expensive, and often unaffordable, for those who remain. As a result, unregulated health insurance basically doesn’t work, and never has."

In The New York Times, Paul Krugman shudders when thinking of conservative Supreme Court justices objecting to Obamacare.

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