Saturday, April 21, 2012

"Make No Mistakes, It's the Apocalypse"

"Lethem pays particular attention to David Byrne's use of pronouns, finding the songwriter lets them slip not to imply, as in most rock music, informality or off-the-cuffness, but to disturb and unsettle. In 'Mind,' for example, with its chorus of 'I need something to change your mind,' Lethem wonders if the I and you of the song are not in fact the same: whether there's an edge of solipsistic madness to the enterprise, with the listener overhearing a nutter trying to convince himself of something—what, we're never sure. In 'Life During Wartime,' Byrne flips the first-person from the singular to plural: 'We dress like students / We dress like housewives,' he sings, masking his personality in a way that would play out more fully on Remain in Light, where the lyrics rarely reveal a narrative voice, let alone one that could be mistaken for 'David Byrne.'"

Brian Gresko at The Atlantic reviews Jonathan Letham's Talking Heads' Fear of Music.

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