Sunday, June 03, 2012

"Revolving Door through Which Trouble Gets to Travel"

"At first, though, all is luxury and light, a blur of what has come to be known as real estate porn, with examples of perfect pools in idyllic settings, some laid out plainly 'like great clusters of turquoise stones,' to quote a House & Garden writer cited here, some carefully composed and featuring lacquered socialites (as seen, for instance, in Slim Aarons’s 1970 photo­graph 'Poolside Gossip'). Movie stars (Marilyn, Jayne and their many spinoffs) rise Venus-like, glistening with water or oil, from the depths. Parents cautiously cavort with their toddlers (as in Bill Anderson’s 'Raymond Loewy Family,' from 1957). Shulman’s shot of Silvertop is not reproduced here, but there are many other contributions from this dedicated chronicler of midcentury modern architecture who died in 2009 at 98, his blood pressure no doubt exquisitely modulated by all the meditative sunset views his subjects showcased."

Alexandra Jones in The New York Times reviews Daniell Cornell's Backyard Oasis: The Swimming Pool in Southern California Photography, 1945-1982.

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