Thursday, June 21, 2012

"A University in Crisis and Disarray"

"A university governed entirely by wealthy businesspeople steeped in a culture of corporate strategy memos will reflect the peculiar perspectives of the modern rich. The financialized American economy has made vast fortunes for gamblers with poor impulse control who mistake a lucky roll of the dice for intelligence and virtue. It’s not surprising that the same kind of fast-twitch thinking would lead a group of homogenous financial patrons talking among themselves to lose patience with a career higher education administrator who was insufficiently galvanized by the latest columns from Thomas Friedman and David Brooks."

Kevin Carey at The New Republic explores what is happening at the University of Virginia.

And Kieran Healy at Crooked Timber writes a "Declaration of Independence" for the university's Board of Visitors.

Jamelle Bouie at The American Prospect reacts to the news that the deposed university president will be reinstated.

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